There are many birds found in South Pointe area that are attracted by bird feeders. Those who live on the south side of South Pointe Drive and the north side of Upswept Lane will see an even larger number of birds and species.
From Vermont Fish & Wildlife Website:
When to Feed
“The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department recommends that Vermonters only feed birds during the winter months to avoid attracting bears. Bears are very fond of suet and bird seed, especially black oil sunflower seed. Bringing feeders in at night doesn’t work, because bears will still feed on seed that is spilled on the ground.
While we generally recommend people only put bird feeders out from December 1 through March 31, variable winter weather can sometimes dictate that birdfeeders should be removed even during this period. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s generally “wintery” out for an extended period of time, with consistent snow on the ground and temperatures at or below freezing, you can keep your birdfeeder out.
Remember: purposely feeding a bear is not just bad for the bear, it’s also illegal.”
List of some of the birds to expect to see at a South Pointe feeder depending on season: Chickadees, Cardinals, Gold Finches, House Finches, Purple Finches, Juncos, Nuthatches, Morning Doves, Robins, Sparrows, Tufted Titmouse, Cedar Waxwing, Bohemian Waxwing, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker.