South Pointe Homeowners Modification Work Request

South Pt. Homeowners Modification / Work Request Form

The form may be submitted in writing or electronically; including sketches, photographs or drawings is encouraged. If submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, an original for the records of the Association and five copies for the directors are required. If submitted by email, the completed form and supporting documents are to be emailed to the board at Applications must be reasonably specific in relation to the action sought, including a scale drawing for improvements exterior to a Dwelling. See page 2 for the minimum guidelines for Modifications.

Homeowner Name:
Modification/Work Request: (Please provide as much detail as possible and include diagrams, maps and pictures. Please annotate if you have coordinated or need to coordinate for a utility “Safe Dig” inspection. If a more detailed explanation is required, the Board will return the form with questions).



Coordination with affected neighbors: (Please list the names of neighbors contacted and include their email address on the submission to confirm that they agree to the work).


Funding: (Please indicate if this is planned as a self-funded project or if you are requesting the Board to fund. The funding decision is independent of the project approval and will be determined in accordance with the Declaration, By Laws and Rules & Regulations).

Board Decision:

 SPHA Board Approves project with SPHA funding
 SPHA Board Approves project without SPHA funding
 SPHA Board Denies project

Minimum Guidelines
References: Declaration – Article 4.2; Permanent Rules –Section II, Section IV, and Section V (summarized below with complete wording and detail in the documents listed).
Applications for approval must be made in writing to the Board of Directors.

A Lot owner may make improvements or alterations upon a Lot provided such improvements do not impair the Common Elements, Limited Common Elements, or infrastructure or utilities within any portion of the Planned Community and provided prior written approval has been obtained from the Board of Directors. This includes, but is not limited to, such things as major repairs to or renovation of exterior elements of homes—decks, porches, patios, etc.—or modification, removal, addition, or significant maintenance of Common Elements by homeowners or Committees—Trees, Shrubs, Front Gardens, Pond, etc.

No building, fence, wall, or other structure may be commenced, erected, maintained, or placed on a Lot, nor may any addition or external alteration be made, until the design and location or alterations have been approved by the Board of Directors.

Decks may be constructed, modified, or enclosed within the building envelope shown on the Subdivision Plat if approval is obtained from the Board of Directors.

Members may plant and maintain trees and bushes with written approval from the Board of Directors as to specie, size, and location, but on the condition that they maintain such plantings